Billabong Girls
Launch of Billabong Girls clothing line
Objective 1: Buzz, media coverage, product placement on television /movies with client listed on credits and to bring in revenue client listed on credits and to bring in revenue.
Target Audiences: Teens and tweens.
My work: As account manager at Cynthia Michel Public Relations, Inc., I co-led the launch of Billabong Girls line of surf-inspired fashion. The client chose to work with us as we represented the Action Sports Retailer Trade Expo. A showcasing and celebration of surfing, skate, snow, BMX, moto culture.
Our account team leveraged media relationships we had already fostered representing the ASR Trade Expo and put Billabong Girls front and center at show. On site, I drove traffic to the booth and arranged media interviews for Billabong’s spokesperson.
As the point person for Billabong Girls, I wrote teasers, pitch letters and scripts, and new product press releases. I secured repeat local and national news coverage and product placement in movies and on television.
Click buttons to see select Billabong Girls press materials I wrote and select media coverage from the effort.